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A member registered Nov 04, 2021

Recent community posts

hey, i wanna ask something. How to move android save file to PC? is it possible?

yeah I think it's my mobile device make it like that, cuz that not the first time I'm playing vn game and just like that. 

bathroom scene and every transition to new scene that movin. idk maybe my device is not support or sum? 

why in my android, the game gonna take a black screen for some scene. Can anyone explain?

hey I just came back from the game and what I want to say is the game is working 100% after following your instructions tysm

okay thx :

yea, the game start black screen if i leave the house area. I thought it's just normal error first, but I tried many times and the game still error like that. 

are this game for every version of phone? 

it's kinda difficult to change the remove button to hand again at stream scene. 

my game is crashed while im gonna go to the town, how can i fix it?